1 min read

Optimize Cost with Microsoft Azure

Learn about the benefits of Microsoft Azure for Independent Software Vendors

This e-book shows how Azure can help optimize business processes, extend capabilities, and empower your team to do what they do best: change the world with code.

Azure provides the capabilities to extend the power of smaller ISVs, leveling the playing field against competitors so they can focus on building great ideas and disrupting markets. Throughout, we offer real-world pricing through the Azure Pricing Calculator, designed to estimate the specifics of what an individual Azure service will cost.

This e-book is designed for growing technology companies wanting to understand and calculate the challenges, opportunities, and tradeoffs faced in building and scaling their software business. This guide covers:

• How Azure’s capabilities and built-in services help level the playing field with enterprise competitors

• How both business and technical processes can be more efficient and affordable with Azure services

• Specific savings you could realize by leveraging the Azure Pricing Calculator to better predict costs

Read the e-book below and contact us to learn more about our tailored offerings for Independent Software Vendors.

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