Financial and Insurance Services

Tailormade IT systems, purpose-built for a specific product, business or digital application


Future-proofed digital operations

Finance and insurance industry suffers from the lack of future-proofed digital operations. Pressure from new entrants to innovate as the emerging technologies are constantly shaping the market – FinTech companies are winning market share by providing ease of access, and cheaper, more flexible services. To do this, conservative financial institutions need to change their culture and operations and automate back-end processes.

Legacy Infrastructure

Legacy infrastructure that needs to be modernized to adapt to evolving internal demand and exceed customer expectations for more flexible and personalized services.

Non-integrated IT systems

Variety of non-integrated legacy IT systems, purpose-built for a specific product or business need that make it hard for existing software to talk to new digital applications and slow the integration of recent technologies.

Unsupportive communication systems

Legacy communication systems that do not support the remote work requirements.

Security Threats

Due to the type of data being collected, banks and insurance companies must be extremely vigilant against threats to be able to safeguard customers’ data and their online platforms properly and responsibly.

Modernize Payment Services

Financial institutions are faced with decreasing profitability of their payments business and increasing competition from new entrants. The payments mix is permanently shifted toward digital channels because of the digitalization of commerce and moving from cash to digital payments.

Why engage with Telelink Business Services?

We apply a holistic approach to the workplace of tomorrow, and we are ideally placed to help you embrace the very latest cloud-based collaboration & productivity technologies.

We understand your challenges and the way your business is running. We will dedicate a team of seasoned experts to solve your specific problems and get the most out of your IT investments.

We offer long-term support and advice for your IT needs, and we pride ourselves on getting to the heart of problems quickly and efficiently.

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Design next-generation network protecting the communication flow, availability, and data integrity.

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