Modern Workplace

Empower your employees to stay connected and work productively regardless of location and device.


Productive employees are the ultimate key to success

At Telelink Business Services we believe that the ultimate key to success is productive, capable, and engaged employees. In today’s digitalized world, technology, if approached rightfully could unleash this. The backbone of every organization is it’s manpower. If not equipped correctly, no projects will be leveraged regardless of their tech complicity.

A modern workplace is viral combination of technological, and psychological aspects aimed to balance employee satisfaction and business efficiency, a constant sync between the ability to fully engage human resources and fulfill business requirements.

It is a complex process, driven by deep understanding within the management – a desire to create a collaborative culture for the modern worker.

How do we deliver?

01. Advisory

Foster seamless collaboration and enable real-time information exchange to eliminate inefficiencies

02. Design

Based on the advisory phase, we draft a tailormade solution reflecting your business and technological needs.

03. Delivery

Based on the advisory phase, we draft a tailormade solution reflecting your business and technological needs.

04. Support

We provide post-implementation support under strict SLA and proactive monitoring.

05. Adoption and Change Management

To realize desired business outcomes and return on investment, it’s critical to implement correct solutions, including them in employees’ natural rhythm of work.

Key Technologies

Endpoint Management

– Operating Systems
– Mobile Device Management
– Advanced Threat Protection

On-Prem Microsoft Infrastructure

– Exchange
– Active Directory
– Networked File Servers

Collaboration Solutions

– IP telephony
– Conferencing rooms
– Audio/Video/Chat

Microsoft 365
Google Workspace
Contact Centers


Multi-customer experience

Facing multiple challenges with different customers grounds flexibility and agility transforming it into our greatest asset.

Broad vendor and technology expertise

Agile ability to grant suitable solutions in all aspects of IT infrastructure.

Dedicated roles and teams

Right expertise is dedicated to match project necessities.

Customer Engagement

Pursuing full-scope customer engagement through long-term relationships, enabling our customers to actively participate in all project stages.

Trusted Business Advisors

Tech architects and consistent advisors simplifying network complexity, focusing on in-depth understanding of customers’ specific needs and requirements.

Our values front the work process

Genuine, constantly challenging the status quo we live up to our values continuously striving to walk the extra mile.

We work and implement new technologies striving to help and enrich organizations while using them.

Director, Modern Workplace

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Empowering your employees to stay connected and work productively 

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